
Frumoasa poveste Web Ventures n-ar putea fi scrisă fără clienți. Ne mândrim cu fiecare dintre cei peste 250 de clienți din România și din afara țării, iată mai jos câteva cuvinte ale unora dintre ei.

Mulțumim Web Ventures pentru susținerea oferită în a fi prezenți și vizibili în mediul online! Pe lângă profesionalism, ce ne-a impresionat în atitudinea echipei de lucru, a fost înțelepciunea de a găsi răspunsuri corecte și pertinente la problemele diverse apărute în viața de zi cu zi a complexului nostru, o viață nu tocmai ușoară, plină de neprevăzut; practic, Web Ventures este ca un frate mai mare pentru noi, cei din echipa Kuib și Piatra Soimului, un frate vesel și înțelegător, uneori cu idei amuzante și șugubețe, care ne-au ajutat să trecem mai ușor atunci când a fost nevoie mai mult…Suntem în top cu multă muncă și perseverență, dar și cu Web Ventures acolo umăr lângă umăr, lucru pentru care vă mulțumim din nou și vă apreciem enorm!
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Valentin Liță
Executive Chef - KUIB Restaurant
Colaborăm cu Web Ventures de peste un an de zile, timp în care am primit suport și consultanță pentru serviciile de Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Creative, cu performanțe foarte bune pentru business-ul nostru, printr-un excelent management al conturilor, dar și prin efort și proactivitate din partea agenției. Sunt foarte atenți la nevoile specifice pieței pe care activează MediaCity și au venit în întâmpinarea provocărilor noastre cu idei creative, astfel încât să avem maximum return. Account managerii cu care colaborăm sunt practic parte din echipa MediaCity, dedicați și prezenți.
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Alexandra Anghel
Marketing Manager - Media City
We have been working together for several years already and it is one of the most beautiful collaborations that our marketing department has. They are proactive, super quick, professional, and friendly. Over time, the relationship between us became one of collegiality, for we grew beyond a simple business partnership. It's a pleasure to work together! We recommend them with love and trust!
Mihaela Anghel
Marketing Manager - TOYOTA Material Handling
Web Ventures ne este mai mult decât un furnizor de servicii. Este un partener, în adevaratul sens al cuvântului. Mai ales atunci când detaliile tehnice ne depășesc, ei sunt mereu prezenți cu idei și soluții adaptate cerințelor noastre.
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Luminița Mateescu
Managing Partner - LASERMAXX
Web Ventures stands out for its cohesive team that brings innovative ideas to life with patience and a human touch. Their proficiency in branding, PPC, and social media, coupled with top-notch app and website design, ensures high performance and impactful digital presence.
Mădălina Ene (Vasile)
Chief Marketing Officer and Digital Strategy and Retail Clients Director - Premier Energy
Though our journey with Web Ventures began only recently, the team has been outstanding, and we are extremely pleased to have them as our partners. They have effectively collaborated with our tech department and external parties to ensure tasks are not just completed, but also perform optimally across various channels. Furthermore, in our industry, the timely posting of campaigns and ads, and the real-time airing of events, even on weekends or National Holidays, are crucial. This is something they have consistently delivered on. Personally, I'm very glad to have found a reliable team I can depend on when needed.
Cristina Melțer
Marketing Manager - Militari Shopping
Higher efficiency and the confidence that we are always pushing the limits of the ad platforms used by our brand, IL PASSO; this was our requirement for the Web Ventures team, and they overwhelmingly delivered on the promise. As the General Manager of the company, I would be more than happy to confidently recommend the Web Ventures team for all the companies that want to use the digital marketing to get forward-momentum.
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Lucia Buzduga
General Manager - IL PASSO
The Web Ventures team has our full trust. They are our strategic partners, and we know that without them by our side, we couldn't implement all the projects we desire. In the two years since I've personally been collaborating with the Web Ventures team, there hasn't been a single situation where I've been disappointed. I have only words of praise for Web Ventures. And the same can be said about our collaboration on our latest project. Dragoș Cristache is the remote colleague everyone wishes for and loves. He's always up with solutions for any situation or crazy idea that comes to our mind. With Web Ventures by our side, any project becomes a reality in no time.
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Roxana Dîrlău
Digital Marketing Specialist - Ivatherm
Working with the Web Ventures team has been a most pleasant experience! Their unrivaled customer support and attentiveness exemplify their dedication and passion for what they do to the specific needs of our business. And what a difference it makes for a small business to connect with a team of people that know what they are doing! Web Ventures website design team far exceeded my expectations on every front, and I have very high expectations. The end product is a beautiful website that embodies who we are as a company. I have yet to stump them with a task they cannot handle. We are looking forward to a long-lasting and prosperous relationship with the Web Ventures team.
Cristina Sburlan
General Manager - Mara Mura
We have a long partnership with Web Ventures, working together since 2010, when we became one of their first clients. Since then, we were able to start and grow together several projects. The first one was to develop the company website, then to adjust it every time we had updates, and then to promote our family business: Hotel Piatra Șoimului and Restaurant Kuib, located in Sinaia.During these years they proved to be real strategic partners for us, not only digital-wise but also on services delivery speed. They are responsive (e.g. less than 24 hours), good in anticipating trends (e.g.: partnership with influencers, opening various accounts on different social networks), connected to the market realities (they developed additional services that support their main activity), and trustful sources and collaborators (they generate good ideas based on their observation of social media trends, and they are always available for us), able to handle all the digital marketing branches.We strongly recommend them for the above mentioned services, but also for their friendly and open attitude.
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Mădălina & Daniel Rădulescu
Owners - Complex Piatra Șoimului

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